The number 125 KMS are stitched in yellow on a green background.

Price: $1.40 CAD

Hiking - 125 Kms Rocker

Item No: ES250-125KMS
Dimensions: 2" w x .3" h
Set since: Nov 01/14

You're not far now! Only two more patches left in the set. Add this one to your collection to show off how far you've hiked, and start out on those trails again.

Check out the rest of our Hiking Kilometers set!

Other Items In This Set

Hiking (Iron-On)
Hiking - 1 Mile Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 10 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 100 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 100 KMS Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 10 KMS Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 11 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 12 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 125 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 13 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 14 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 15 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 150 KMS Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 16 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 17 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 18 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 19 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 2 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 20 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 20 KMS Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 21 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 22 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 23 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 24 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 25 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 3 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 30 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 4 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 40 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 40 KMS Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 5 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 50 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 6 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 60 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 60 KMS Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 7 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 70 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 75 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 8 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 80 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 80 KMS Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 9 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Hiking - 90 Miles Rocker (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower Set (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - Alberta (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - British Columbia (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - Manitoba (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - New Brunswick (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - Newfoundland and Labrador (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - Northwest Territories (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - Nova Scotia (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - Nunavut (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - Ontario (Iron-On)
Hiking Kilometers Set (Iron-On)
Hiking Miles Set (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - Prince Edward Island (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - Quebec (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - Saskatchewan (Iron-On)
Provincial Flower - Yukon (Iron-On)


Hi Lori, I was thrilled to get home from work yesterday to find our new unit crests....they are awesome.....our girls thought they were neat as well when I took them to Sparks last night. Thank you very much for designing such a great crest for us.

--Lisa Furler-Smith
Hamilton, ON

I received the badges, and they are fantastic! Thanks so much! I also really appreciate the fact that you cared that I got them on time! Thanks again so very much! The girls are gonna love these.

--Melanie B
Saskatoon, SK

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I am LOVING being a part of the crest club. It's so much fun seeing what creativity you've come up with! This is the third month I've received crests. This month was THE BEST! My kids, and even my husband, loved the Pokemon Go inspired crests. When he saw the data usage one, my husband said, "Oh, are you going to sew that on my camp blanket?" (I think the last crest sewed on to his blanket was in 1989...) We're looking forward to seeing what we get next month! My daughter (a second year Brownie this year) is very excited about all the owl crests we've received and has already started to plan which Brownies and Guiders I should be dispensing our new crests too. She has even suggested that I NOT be Brown Owl this year, because there are so many other far more interesting options! :) Anyway, thanks for the fun! We sure loved getting the mail today!

--Laura Freeman
1st Vanderhoof Brownies, Valley District

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@2024 E-Patches & Crests is a private enterprise not affiliated with Girl Guides of Canada.
This site is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by Girl Guides of Canada or any Provincial Council.

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