Adhesive Pin Backs

Adhesive pin-backs are a great way to attach patches to your back or jacket when you don't have the time or skills to sew them on. Just stick, pin and go! No need to worry about placement when you can un-pin and re-pin them as often as you'd like.

Too lazy to iron on your patch? Our pin backs transform any patch from a "sewing project" into a fun wearable.

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We found 5 item(s) for you.

Adhesive Pin Back 12 Pack

1.417" w x 0.276" h
Item#: EAPB7-12

Price: $5.50 CAD

Adhesive Pin Back 6 Pack

1.417" w x 0.276" h
Item#: EAPB7-06

Price: $3.85 CAD

Adhesive Pin Back 6 Pack (12mm x 40mm)

1.575" w x 0.472" h
Item#: EAPB12-06

Price: $4.15 CAD

Adhesive Pin Back Single

1.417" w x 0.276" h
Item#: EAPB7-01

Price: $1.10 CAD

Adhesive Pin Back Single (12mm x 40mm)

1.575" w x 0.472" h
Item#: EAPB12-01

$1.25 $0.94 CAD

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Can't Find the Perfect Adhesive Pin Back?

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@2025 E-Patches & Crests is a private enterprise not affiliated with Girl Guides of Canada.
This site is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by Girl Guides of Canada or any Provincial Council.

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