Stars (One Inch)

We've got a star of every colour, so you're guaranteed to find one perfect for you. These stars are stellar for camp blankets, with awards, or when someone goes above and beyond what is asked of them. Capture the stars for yourself with these patches to light up your Camp Blanket!

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We found 11 item(s) for you.

Star - Burgundy

1" w x 1" h
Item#: S0059BU

Price: $1.40 CAD

Star - Gold Metallic

1" w x 1" h
Item#: S0059GM

Price: $1.40 CAD

Star - Kelly Green

1" w x 1" h
Item#: S0059GR

Price: $1.40 CAD

Star - Orange

1" w x 1" h
Item#: S0059O

Price: $1.40 CAD

Star - Purple

1" w x 1" h
Item#: S0059P

Price: $1.40 CAD

Star - Red

1" w x 1" h
Item#: S0059R

Price: $1.40 CAD

Star - Royal Blue

1" w x 1" h
Item#: S0059B

Price: $1.40 CAD

Star - Silver Metallic

1" w x 1" h
Item#: S0059SM

Price: $1.40 CAD

Star - Teal

1" w x 1" h
Item#: S0059T

Price: $1.40 CAD

Star - White

1" w x 1" h
Item#: S0059W

Price: $1.40 CAD

Star - Yellow

1" w x 1" h
Item#: S0059AG

Price: $1.40 CAD

two people looking at a sign post

Can't Find the Perfect Stars (One Inch) Embroidered Patch?

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@2025 E-Patches & Crests is a private enterprise not affiliated with Girl Guides of Canada.
This site is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by Girl Guides of Canada or any Provincial Council.

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