Miscellaneous Circle Badge

We have many awesome circle badges, from animals to insects to gemstones. This category is dedicated to all our circle badges that fit outside the box. Wear a unique circle badge to show off how unique you are today!

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We found 15 item(s) for you.


2" w x 2" h
Item#: E475

$1.85 $0.93 CAD


2" w x 2" h
Item#: E489

Price: $1.85 CAD


2" w x 2" h
Item#: E343

Price: $1.85 CAD


2" w x 2" h
Item#: E434

Price: $1.85 CAD


2" w x 2" h
Item#: E1331

Price: $1.85 CAD

Rainbow Cupcake

2" w x 2" h
Item#: E426

$1.85 $0.93 CAD


2" w x 2" h
Item#: E361

$1.85 $0.93 CAD

Rubber Duck

2" w x 2" h
Item#: E597

Price: $1.85 CAD


2" w x 2" h
Item#: E897

Price: $1.85 CAD


2" w x 2" h
Item#: E429

Price: $1.85 CAD


2" w x 2" h
Item#: E342

$1.85 $0.93 CAD


2" w x 2" h
Item#: E341

$1.85 $0.93 CAD


2" w x 2" h
Item#: E430

$1.85 $0.93 CAD


2" w x 2" h
Item#: E1375

Price: $1.85 CAD

Weather Vane

2" w x 2" h
Item#: E1059

Price: $1.85 CAD

two people looking at a sign post

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@2025 E-Patches & Crests is a private enterprise not affiliated with Girl Guides of Canada.
This site is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by Girl Guides of Canada or any Provincial Council.

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