Do you have an idea for a custom badge or patch we don't sell? Do you want to make custom iron-on patches? Looking to make something special as a gift, reward or promotion? We can help with custom patches in Canada.
Turn your idea into a custom embroidered patch. Choose from custom patches (Embroidered, Woven Labels, Heat Transfers), adapting an existing in-stock patch (Adapt A Patch), charm patches with loops, or lapel pins & charms. Start your custom order today.
Our specialty. Whether you have artwork or not, our Custom Embroidered Patch option is just what you need!
Do you see one of our in-stock patches that you like but want to change or add text to? Our Adapt A Patch option is what you’re looking for!
Create detailed designs with our Woven Patches. These thinner, tightly woven threads will allow your patch to have more intricate designs and smaller text sizes.
Want your design or photograph to look exactly as you envision? Consider a Heat Transfer style crest, your design printed onto a shiny satin material for vivid detail and colours.
Searching for a custom product that'll make a statement? Try creating a lapel pin or charm. With multiple different finishes, textures, and backings, we can help you customize a pin or charm how you want it.
Looking for a patch with loops for displaying charms? We can customize many of our in-stock patches by adding loops. You can also design your own custom charm patch.
We can make many other different types of items not listed here. Send us a message, and we can provide more information.