Uninsured and untracked shipments to the USA can take 1-3 weeks and
International addresses have been known to take 1-3 months.
Express shipments are sent via Purolator and typically take 2-4 days to the USA and
International addresses can take 3-8 business days.
All orders are shipped from Canada to almost anywhere on the planet via Canada Post. We can also arrange courier delivery via Purolator.
In-stock orders typically ship within 1-4 business days. If items are back-ordered, we will contact you.
All shipping transit times quoted are business days (Monday-Friday), and day 1 is the day AFTER the order has been shipped.
Shipping costs are calculated on the SUBTOTAL BEFORE ANY DISCOUNTS due to the size and weight of packages.
Shipping rates are subject to change without notice.
Timeframe CA | Order Total | Delivery Type | Price |
6-10 business days NO TRACKING | 0.01 - 6.00 | Regular Uninsured Eastern | $1.50 |
6-10 business days NO TRACKING | 6.01 - 75.00 | Regular Uninsured Eastern | $3.25 |
3-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 200.00 | Express Eastern | $28.00 |
3-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 200.01 - 600.00 | Express Eastern | $32.00 |
3-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 600.01 - 999.99 | Express Eastern | $40.00 |
3-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Express Eastern | $52.00 |
5-9 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 200.00 | Expedited Eastern | $22.00 |
5-9 business days WITH TRACKING | 200.01 - 600.00 | Expedited Eastern | $26.00 |
5-9 business days WITH TRACKING | 600.01 - 999.99 | Expedited Eastern | $35.00 |
5-9 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Expedited Eastern | $0.00 |
6-10 business days NO TRACKING | 0.01 - 6.00 | Regular Uninsured Western | $1.50 |
6-10 business days NO TRACKING | 6.01 - 75.00 | Regular Uninsured Western | $3.25 |
3-4 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 200.00 | Express Western | $20.00 |
3-4 business days WITH TRACKING | 200.01 - 600.00 | Express Western | $23.00 |
3-4 business days WITH TRACKING | 600.01 - 999.99 | Express Western | $30.00 |
3-4 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Express Western | $45.00 |
5-9 business days WITH | 0.01 - 200.00 | Expedited Western | $16.00 |
5-9 business days WITH TRACKING | 200.01 - 600.00 | Expedited Western | $19.00 |
5-9 business days WITH TRACKING | 600.01 - 999.99 | Expedited Western | $23.00 |
5-9 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Expedited Western | $0.00 |
6-12 business days NO TRACKING | 0.01 - 6.00 | Regular Uninsured Atlantic | $1.50 |
6-12 business days NO TRACKING | 6.01 - 75.00 | Regular Uninsured Atlantic | $3.25 |
4-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 200.00 | Express Atlantic | $28.00 |
4-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 200.01 - 600.00 | Express Atlantic | $32.00 |
4-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 600.01 - 999.99 | Express Atlantic | $40.00 |
4-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Express Atlantic | $55.00 |
7-10 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 200.00 | Expedited Atlantic | $22.00 |
710 business days WITH TRACKING | 200.01 - 600.00 | Expedited Atlantic | $26.00 |
7-10 business days WITH TRACKING | 600.01 - 999.99 | Expedited Atlantic | $32.00 |
7-10 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Expedited Atlantic | $0.00 |
6-12 business days NO TRACKING | 0.01 - 6.00 | Regular Uninsured Northern | $1.50 |
6-12 business days NO TRACKING | 6.01 - 75.00 | Regular Uninsured Northern | $3.25 |
4-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 200.00 | Express Northern | $28.00 |
4-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 200.01 - 600.00 | Express Northern | $32.00 |
4-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 600.01 - 999.99 | Express Northern | $42.00 |
4-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Express Northern | $55.00 |
7-10 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 200.00 | Expedited Northern | $22.00 |
7-10 business days WITH TRACKING | 200.01 - 600.00 | Expedited Northern | $26.00 |
7-10 business days WITH TRACKING | 600.01 - 999.99 | Expedited Northern | $32.00 |
7-10 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Expedited Northern | $0.00 |
4-10 business days NO TRACKING | 0.01 - 6.00 | Regular Uninsured Prairie | $1.50 |
4-10 business days NO TRACKING | 6.01 - 75.00 | Regular Uninsured Prairie | $3.25 |
2-4 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 200.00 | Express Prairie | $16.00 |
2-4 business days WITH TRACKING | 200.01 - 600.00 | Express Prairie | $20.00 |
2-4 business days WITH TRACKING | 600.01 - 999.99 | Express Prairie | $26.00 |
2-4 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Express Prairie | $36.00 |
3-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 200.00 | Expedited Prairie | $14.00 |
3-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 200.01 - 600.00 | Expedited Prairie | $17.00 |
3-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 600.01 - 999.99 | Expedited Prairie | $22.00 |
3-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Expedited Prairie | $0.00 |
Timeframe US | Order Total | Delivery Type | Price |
10-25 business days NO TRACKING | 0.01 - 200.00 | Small Packet Uninsured to United States | $12.00 |
8-12 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 200.00 | Trackable Packet to United States | $15.00 |
4-8 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 350.00 | Express to United States | $45.00 |
8-12 business days WITH TRACKING | 200.10 - 600.00 | Trackable Packet to United States | $20.00 |
4-8 business days WITH TRACKING | 350.01 - 800.00 | Express to United States | $55.00 |
8-12 business days WITH TRACKING | 600.01 - 999.99 | Trackable Packet to United States | $30.00 |
4-8 business days WITH TRACKING | 800.01 - 3000.00 | Express to United States | $85.00 |
2-5 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Expedited to United States | $0.00 |
Timeframe International | Order Total | Delivery Type | Price |
15-60 business days NO TRACKING | 0.01 - 50.00 | Regular Uninsured International | $16.00 |
15-60 business days NO TRACKING | 50.01 - 150.00 | Regular Uninsured International | $19.00 |
8-15 business days WITH TRACKING | 500.01 - 999.99 | Express International | $95.00 |
10-20 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 300.00 | Trackable Packet International | $45.00 |
10-20 business days WITH TRACKING | 300.01 - 999.00 | Trackable Packet International | $65.00 |
6 -13 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 500.00 | Purolator International | $75.00 |
15-60 business days NO TRACKING | 0.01 - 50.00 | Regular Uninsured UK & Europe | $16.00 |
15-60 business days NO TRACKING | 50.01 - 150.00 | Regular Uninsured UK & Europe | $19.00 |
8-15 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 500.00 | Express UK & Europe | $95.00 |
8-15 business days WITH TRACKING | 500.01 - 999.99 | Express UK & Europe | $115.00 |
8-15 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Expedited UK & Europe | $0.00 |
10-25 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 300.00 | Trackable Packet UK & Europe | $45.00 |
10-25 business days WITH TRACKING | 300.01 - 999.99 | Trackable Packet UK & Europe | $65.00 |
6-13 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 500.00 | Purolator UK & Europe | $75.00 |
25-60 business days NO TRACKING | 0.01 - 300.00 | Regular Uninsured Australia & Area | $16.00 |
8-20 business days WITH TRACKING | 500.01 - 999.99 | Express Australia & Area | $120.00 |
8-20 business days WITH TRACKING | 1000.00 - 3000.00 | Expedited Australia & Area | $0.00 |
10-25 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 300.00 | Trackable Packet Australia & Area | $50.00 |
6 -13 business days WITH TRACKING | 0.01 - 500.00 | Purolator Australia & Area | $90.00 |
If you require your order by a certain date, please let us know the exact date by leaving a note in your order during check-out. We will work with you to ensure your order will arrive in time.
Transit time does not include processing time. Delivery time begins once your order has left our office, meaning Day 1 is the day AFTER the order has been shipped.
Our delivery times do not include the time it takes for your order to clear customs. Unfortunately, some packages do get held up as they cross borders and we can not control how long your package takes to be cleared.
We provide tracking numbers for these shipping methods only: Canada Xpresspost and Expedited, USA Trackable Packet and Xpresspost, plus International Xpresspost.
Back orders do occur. Sometimes, the demand for our products is greater than the speed of production and what we carry in stock. When we become aware of a back order, we will notify you by email. You are given the option of receiving a partial shipment or waiting for the full shipment. We pay shipping on all back orders. We apologize in advance for the inconvenience that back orders may cause.
Unfortunately, we cannot split up an order and ship to multiple locations. If you wish to send items to different locations, you will need to place a separate order for each shipping address.
We understand mistakes happen; if you make an error in your address, please let us know so we can update your information, provided your order hasn't shipped yet. Please call us at 1-877-335-8904 to have your order corrected.
Orders shipped outside of Canada may be subject to customs fees. These fees are the responsibility of the package recipient, not E-Patches. We do not issue refunds for customs fees. We do not issue refunds for shipping or the cost of your order should you refuse to pay customs fees. As we are a retail store, we unable to mark orders as 'Gifts' to avoid customs fees.
Please be aware of your country's customs fees.