
Item No: S0409
Dimensions: 3.0" w x 1.0" h
Patch since: Jan 01/08

Have you recently gone kayaking with your friends? Did your troop have a kayaking activity? Add this badge proudly to your collection to commemorate your water fun!

Iron-On A red kayak with the word Kayaking stitched across the side.

Price: $2.20 CAD

Frequently Purchased Together


May We Suggest

We're On Lake Time (Iron-On)
Water Fun (Iron-On)
White Water Rafting (Iron-On)
Canoe Tripping (Iron-On)
Nautical Anchor - Metallic (Iron-On)
Kayaking (Iron-On)


I received the crests Thursday afternoon! The event was a huge success, even though it was very windy and quite cold. Thank you for all your help getting this done with such short notice.

--Jennifer O
Fernie, BC

WOW! The crests arrived at my door at 7.45 am today. Not bad considering they were in Calgary at 1.30 yesterday. I Think that is a record for Canada Post! As always you guys did a terrific job. Thank you. Phew one less thing to worry about! Off to winter camp..............

--Denise Jagt
Port Hope, ON

Just wanted to say that I really enjoy your crests and am also very proud to present them to the other girls/leaders. You and your company are doing a fine job and keep up the good work. I will be using your crests for the upcoming year through my Sparks Program.

--Donna Thomas
Drumheller, AB

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@2025 E-Patches & Crests is a private enterprise not affiliated with Girl Guides of Canada.
This site is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by Girl Guides of Canada or any Provincial Council.

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