Gay Pride Flag Patch

Item No: E1156
Dimensions: 2.5" w x 1.5" h
Patch since: Mar 15/22

The vincian pride flag is made up of seven horizontal stripes of various tones of green, white, and blue. The term vincian is one of many used to describe gay men or men-aligned individuals and is commonly recognized as the masculine equivalent of lesbian. As the term gay is increasingly used to describe homosexuality and the entire LGBT community, vincian grew to represent homosexual men.

Iron-On The vincian pride flag displays horizontal stripes of various tones of green, white, and blue.

Price: $3.10 CAD

Frequently Purchased Together


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I am ordered 100 blank badges that are 2'x4' with white thread/trim with a plain backing too (because I hate iron on). I wanted you to know that I got my patches on June 5th and they are great. I know they are plain, but it makes them perfect; my 8 year old was supper excited and is planning what he can draw on a bunch of them.


Iona Bailey

Cold Lake, AB

Hi Lori. The badges arrived quickly and safely in England this morning - they are lovely - thanks very much!

--Angela Brett
Northants, UK

WOW! The crests arrived at my door at 7.45 am today. Not bad considering they were in Calgary at 1.30 yesterday. I Think that is a record for Canada Post! As always you guys did a terrific job. Thank you. Phew one less thing to worry about! Off to winter camp..............

--Denise Jagt
Port Hope, ON

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This site is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by Girl Guides of Canada or any Provincial Council.

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