Cookie Booth

Item No: S2333
Dimensions: 1.75" w x 2.25" h
Patch since: Apr 01/11

A great way to sell our iconic cookies is by setting up a booth. This crest is perfect for the kids in your unit who volunteer to sell.

Iron-On A booth with boxes of cookies on it. The sign says Cookie, and a smaller sign says, Booth.

Price: $2.20 CAD

Frequently Purchased Together


May We Suggest

Cookie Booth
Great Cookie Seller (Iron-On)
1st Time Cookie Seller (Iron-On)
I Froze My Cookies Off (Iron-On)
Door to Door Cookie Sales (Iron-On)
Cookies Charm


Just wanted to let you know that the crests arrived safe and sound today! We're thrilled with the Time Traveller crest...thanks again for all your help!!!

--Megan G
St. Catharines, ON

Thank-you for the speedy service! The crests came on Tuesday, our Spark meeting night just in time to hand out the caroling crests to the girls that attended the event. I love to hand them out so the other girls can see what they missed and perhaps come to the next event. Merry Christmas!

--Brenda Knowles
1st Telegraph Trail Sparks, Langley, B.C.

I received my patches today and I just wanted to let you know how much I love them! They’re amazing and I appreciate the fantastic customer service!

--Olivia B.
Beaumont, AB

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@2025 E-Patches & Crests is a private enterprise not affiliated with Girl Guides of Canada.
This site is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by Girl Guides of Canada or any Provincial Council.

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