Love More Worry Less

Item No: S6995
Dimensions: 2.0" w x 2.0" h
Patch since: Jan 27/25
Don't let stress and anxiety get you down! Take your medication, and let the little things count. Control what you can - there's no sense in worrying over that which you cannot control.

The words Love More Worry Less on a yellow background.

Price: $2.20 CAD

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Just wanted to say that I really enjoy your crests and am also very proud to present them to the other girls/leaders. You and your company are doing a fine job and keep up the good work. I will be using your crests for the upcoming year through my Sparks Program.

--Donna Thomas
Drumheller, AB

Thank you so much for getting these patches to me early. Just received them today and they are fabulous! I'm so happy with them and I'm sure my customers will be too.

Burnaby, BC

Thank you for the crests - they arrived today and they are fantastic. I can’t wait to distribute them. I look forward to continuing to do business with you in the future.

--Sally H.
Mississauga, ON

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@2025 E-Patches & Crests is a private enterprise not affiliated with Girl Guides of Canada.
This site is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by Girl Guides of Canada or any Provincial Council.

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