This set is perfect for badge-earners, as it can go on forever and ever! You can earn as many badges as you'd like and just have a really long Sea Serpent at the end. It's perfect for the border of a camp blanket. This set was designed with scouting in mind.Our winding Sea Serpent was designed by Leader Claire Sokoloski.
Price: $11.75 CAD
16.5" w x 2.5" h
Item No: ES2400B
Celebrate your year in Scouts with this Sea Serpent! Each part of its body represents a different event you participated in, so you have a fun and descriptive story of your year. You can even add more serpent humps to your serpent, making it longer to showcase the truest story of you!
2.5" w x 1.5" h
Item#: ES2412
since: Dec 01/17
Price: $1.85 CAD