Camping Charm 6 Piece Set

Join in on the fun with our Charm Patch Sets! Each set consists of a charm patch and five loops to attach a variety of charms to. Use each charm to mark an achievement or collect them all to complete your set. Or you can purchase your favourites and attach them to backpacks, purses, bracelets, phones, and more! Start your charm patch collection today.Want to see how the product works? Watch a video to learn how to attach the charms to the patch or read our step by step instructions.Want a different charm or even a completely different charm patch set? Let us know what you are looking for. Add your design to our wish list with our Suggest A Product form.

This set is comprised of the Camping patch, First Aid charm, Knots charm, Campfire charm, Compass charm, and Cooking charm.

Price: $16.50 CAD

Camping Charm 6 Piece Set

3" w x 2.5" h
Item No: ES3000A

If you love camping and charms, then this is the set for you! This gorgeous patch can be sewn onto your favourite jacket, camp blanket or even backpack to let you proudly display the five charms that come with it. That way, you can show off your love for camping wherever you go!

The set includes one Patch - the Camping patch and five Charms. The charms included are first aid, knots, campfire, compass, and cooking.

A black pot with a silver spoon. The pot's handle is upright so that it looks as if the ring is holding it up by the handle.
Cooking Charm

0.689" w x 0.75" h
Item#: ES3002
since: Dec 01/20

Price: $2.80 CAD

This circular metal charm depicts a red cross next to a hand with a blood drop coming out of a finger.
First Aid Charm

0.75" w x 0.75" h
Item#: ES3003
since: Dec 01/20

$2.80 $0.70 CAD

This metal charm is shaped like a figure of eight. It depicts a rope in the figure of eight knot right before it is pulled tight.
Knots Charm

0.654" w x 0.75" h
Item#: ES3004
since: Dec 01/20

Price: $2.80 CAD

This circular charm is shaped like a magnetic compass.
Compass Charm

0.689" w x 0.75" h
Item#: ES3005
since: Dec 01/20

Price: $2.80 CAD

A blazing campfire has been turned into a decorative metal charm.
Campfire Charm

0.554" w x 0.75" h
Item#: ES3006
since: Dec 01/20

Price: $2.80 CAD

A gooey marshmallow is topped with melted chocolate and sandwiched between two-gram crackers.
S'mores Charm

0.628" w x 0.75" h
Item#: ES3007
since: Dec 01/20

Price: $2.80 CAD

A cozy tent has been turned into a decorative metal charm.
Tent Charm

0.75" w x 0.685" h
Item#: ES3008
since: Feb 01/21

Price: $2.80 CAD

A rolled-up sleeping bag has been turned into a decorative metal charm.
Sleeping Bag Charm

0.75" w x 0.5" h
Item#: ES3009
since: Feb 01/21

Price: $2.80 CAD

A hiking boot has been turned into a decorative metal charm.
Hiking Boot Charm

0.75" w x 0.705" h
Item#: ES3010
since: Mar 01/21

Price: $2.80 CAD

A mug filled with steaming liquid has been turned into a decorative metal charm.
Mug Up Charm

0.73" w x 0.75" h
Item#: ES3011
since: Mar 01/21

Price: $2.80 CAD

A tent and campfire are embroidered on this patch. Five loops are at the bottom for charms.
Camping Charm Patch (Plastic)

3" w x 2" h
Item#: ES3001
since: Dec 01/20

Price: $3.70 CAD

@2025 E-Patches & Crests is a private enterprise not affiliated with Girl Guides of Canada.
This site is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by Girl Guides of Canada or any Provincial Council.

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