Iron-On A white owl with big, silver eyes stares right at you. The words White Owl are written in blue at the bottom of the patch.

Price: $1.85 CAD


White Owl

Item No: ES13109
Dimensions: 2" w x 2" h
Patch since: Feb 01/16

Do you love the colour white, or are you known for being a wise, white-haired owl yourself? Or perhaps you’re a fan of the White Owl? Let this owl be your leader symbol for the rest of the year.

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Thank you very much for the free samples! I love them. My troop (Dutch system, 5 troops combined in 1 club) is loving your patches catalogue. With kind regards.

--Daphne S.

WOW! The crests arrived at my door at 7.45 am today. Not bad considering they were in Calgary at 1.30 yesterday. I Think that is a record for Canada Post! As always you guys did a terrific job. Thank you. Phew one less thing to worry about! Off to winter camp..............

--Denise Jagt
Port Hope, ON

I have to say you have a wonderful website! All of us unit guiders in Forest Hills District, Dartmouth NS order from you all the time... and we just LOVE your products! :-)

--Karen Buote
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

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