Put Pants On

Item No: E1235
Dimensions: 2" w x 2" h
Patch since: Jul 01/23

Did you remember to put pants on today? Good for you! Reward yourself with this patch. Putting pants on doesn't always seem necessary, primarily if you work from home or have the day off, but if you braved your drawers and found a pair, you deserve a reward for all that hard work of adulting.

Iron-On The legs of a figure pulling on a pair of jeans. The words Put Pants On are underneath.

Price: $1.85 CAD

Frequently Purchased Together


May We Suggest

I Showered (Iron On)
Went Outside (Iron On)
Washed Dishes (Iron On)
Minded My Own Business (Iron On)
Only Watched 1 Episode (Iron On)
Made Coffee (Iron On)


Just got the crests and hats. They look Great! I was honestly a little concerned about how the crests were going to turn out, but you guys did a great job and they look fantastic.

--Darrin Reid
Nova Scotia

Hi Lori, I was thrilled to get home from work yesterday to find our new unit crests....they are awesome.....our girls thought they were neat as well when I took them to Sparks last night. Thank you very much for designing such a great crest for us.

--Lisa Furler-Smith
Hamilton, ON

Just wanted to say that I really enjoy your crests and am also very proud to present them to the other girls/leaders. You and your company are doing a fine job and keep up the good work. I will be using your crests for the upcoming year through my Sparks Program.

--Donna Thomas
Drumheller, AB

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@2025 E-Patches & Crests is a private enterprise not affiliated with Girl Guides of Canada.
This site is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by Girl Guides of Canada or any Provincial Council.

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