Lightning Bug

Item No: E1395
Dimensions: 2" w x 2" h
Patch since: Feb 19/25

Otherwise known as a firefly, lightning bugs emit a soft light mainly during twilight to attract a mate. Earn this patch by learning more about lightning bugs! If your group is the fireflies, this patch is a great way to represent yourself.

Iron-On The side view of a lightning bug on a blue background.

Price: $1.85 CAD

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I just got my crests in the mail this weekend and they look fantastic! Thank you so much!

--Jenn M.
Eugene, OR

Lori, they are just perfect! Thank you so much, these are going to go like hot cakes :)

Keno City, YT

Our scouting group loves using your crests. By far the best quality and amazing customer service.

--Sam L.
St. Thomas, ON

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