A Guide To 2SLGBTQIA+ Pride Flags

Updated Jun 04, 2024

Commonly Used Pride Flags

The commonly used pride flags are the ones that we primarily see as products and are used by many people to identify themselves. Most of them are umbrella terms that encompass smaller, less-used terms (such as Transgender, Nonbinary, Asexual, and Pansexual).

The less commonly used flags are no less important than the commonly used flags, but are lesser-known and represented in products. These flags are still used by many people but not many companies make products of them as they’re not as widely known.

Progress Pride Flag

The progress pride flag is meant to be inclusive for all communities. The flag encompasses the entirety of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. (Two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, plus). In Canada, we include our Two-Spirit community first to honour our indigenous population. 

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Lesbian Pride Flag

The Lesbian flag represents women who experience physical, romantic and/or emotional attraction toward other women. The Lesbian flag is for everyone who identifies as a woman (transgender and cisgender) so long as they love other women. Some lesbians also prefer the term "gay" or "gay woman."

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Gay Pride Flag

The Gay flag is for men who are attracted to other men. This flag is inclusive to everyone who identifies as a man (transgender and cisgender individuals), so long as they love other men. It represents men who have physical, emotional and/or romantic attractions to other men.

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Transgender Pride Flag

Transgender people identify as a gender other than the one assigned to them at birth. Commonly used by people who transition from male to female or female to male, it is also used by those who identify outside the gender binary. While most transgender individuals transition socially, physically and legally, not all do. Some elect not to have surgeries or change legal documents - this does not invalidate their identity. All transgender individuals are valid, regardless of how they choose to live their lives.

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Genderqueer Pride Flag

The Genderqueer flag is for those experiementing with their gender identity. Those who identify as genderqueer are neither male nor female and instead, queers gender for an identity that feels more comfortable to them. It can be used as an umbrella term for more specific gender identities, like nonbinary.

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Nonbinary Pride Flag

Someone who is Nonbinary identifies outside the gender binary of male or female, instead identifying as a combination or absence of traditional genders. This flag can be used as an umbrella term for a more complicated identity or solely as a gender identity.

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Bisexual Pride Flag

The Bisexual identity is for those who are attracted to two genders, typically male and female; however, they can experience attraction to any combination, such as male and nonbinary, female and agender, etc. This attraction can be emotional, physical and/or romantic.

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Genderfluid Pride Flag

Genderfluid people experience gender as a fluid concept that changes and shifts over undefinable periods of time. Someone who’s genderfluid might feel more feminine one day, then later feel more masculine or androgynous. However, the length of time between these states changes and fluctuates for each person. Genderfluid, just like any other gender identity, is unique to each individual.

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Intersex Pride Flag

Intersex people include our siblings who were born not strictly male or female. This is important because there are too many cases of unnecessary “corrective” surgeries and the involuntary disguise of one’s natural sex, especially at birth when the consent of the individual cannot be ascertained. Intersex is entirely natural, and by including it in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, we bring more awareness and acceptance to the identity.

Asexual Pride Flag

Those who are asexual do not experience sexual attraction. Some still experience romantic attraction, and some do not experience either. Asexuality comes in degrees and has different sub-identities.

Aromantic Pride Flag

Those who do not experience romantic attraction identify as Aromantic. Those who identify as Aromantic can still experience sexual attraction, though some don't, and neither devalues their Aromantic identity. Despite their lack of romantic attraction, Aromantic people can still have meaningful relationships with life partners, such as Queer Platonic relationships.

Pansexual Pride Flag

Those who are pansexual experience attraction indiscriminately to gender identity. Unlike Bisexuals, they are attracted to everyone, and gender identity does not affect that attraction. 

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Less-Commonly Used But Still Important Pride Flags

Omnisexual Pride Flag

Omnisexuality is like pansexuality, but instead of not caring about gender identity, gender identity plays a part in their attraction. This could be a recognized preference for a specific gender, or a different feeling of attraction based on gender or sex.

Agender Pride Flag

Those who are Agender do not experience gender. They are neither female nor male, or a mixture of both. Instead, they identify as genderless.

Demigirl Pride Flag

Demigirl is someone who feels a connection to being a woman but isn't fully a woman. Someone can be a demigirl regardless of their sex, and may also identify as another gender in combination with demigirl.

Demiboy Pride Flag

Demiboy is someone who feels a connection to being a man but isn't fully a man. Someone can be a demiboy regardless of their sex, and may also identify as another gender in combination with demiboy.

Demiromantic Pride Flag

Demiromantic is someone who develops a romantic attraction to someone after building a bond or emotional connection with them. Without that bond, the person does not experience romantic attraction to anyone.

Demisexual Pride Flag

Demisexual is someone who develops a sexual attraction to someone after building a bond or emotional connection with them. Without that bond, the person does not experience sexual attraction to anyone.

Polyamorous Pride Flag

Polyamorous people have multiple, consensual relationships in complex and varying groups called ‘polycules’. It is not cheating, as all parties know and consent to this relationship with constant, open communication. There are many different combinations of polyamorous relationships, and each is unique to the individuals in the relationship.

Polysexuality Pride Flag

Polysexuality is like pansexuality and bisexuality, but instead, polysexual people are attracted to only a few gender identities. These genders are unique to the individual, and can be as many or as few as the person is attracted to.

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