Easy Ways To Attach Your Patches

Updated Jul 26, 2023

There are many ways to attach patches. So we have compiled a list for your convenience! The first step is always to research the best methods for the material you’re planning to patch. After all, cotton fabric and denim are two vastly different materials. Once you know the right methods for your fabric, choose the one that suits you best. Not every patch has to be sewn. Another thing to consider is the backing. If you need help choosing the right backing for you, we have a helpful article to assist you. The most common backings are plastic and iron-on. However, the easiest backings to apply are peel-and-stick and iron-on, which can be adhered to fabric without much work.

So what can you attach patches to? Well, virtually anything made of fabric, such as jackets, pants, shirts, hats and blankets. Even pillows! There’s no harm in trying something creative, like shoes or backpacks.

Try Iron-On Patches

Most patches are iron-on. These require a heat source (typically an iron, although you can use a hair straightener). You apply heat to the patch while it's on the fabric, and the backing adheres to the fabric. For more instructions, please read our Iron-On Instructions.

Try A Peel-And-Stick Badge

Peel-And-Stick is much easier than iron-on, as it does not require a heat source. Simply peel the paper off the back and attach it to your fabric like a sticker.

How To Glue On Crests

There are many ways to glue a patch on. You can use a hot glue gun for a quicker application; just be mindful not to burn yourself in the process. Fabric glue can bind a patch better to your project, but in a pinch, you can use regular glue. Just be mindful that glue does not last as long as other methods.

How To Use Hook and Loop

Some patches have a Hook and Loop backing on them. Make sure to attach the hook side of the Hook and Loop to your fabric (typically by sewing it on). Then you can remove and swap out your patches as you like with the loop side of your patch! 

Try Hand-Sewing

Hand-sewing is the tried and true method of patch attachment - and the most permanent! You can match the thread colour to the border or choose a different colour to challenge the norm. Hand-sewing can be easier than machine sewing as you have greater control over the tools you’re using.

Once you're done sewing on your patches, reward yourself with our hand-sewing patch!

How To Machine-Sew On Patches

Machine sewing is another sturdy method of patch attachment. Just like hand-sewing, choose a thread colour that best suits you and your style. Sew around the border, rather than through the design, to attach it to the fabric. Make sure to check your sewing machine's manual beforehand so that you're using the right needle - a thicker needle is ideal so that it doesn't break.

If you love to sew, you'll love our Machine-Sewing badge!

How To Combine Techniques

Combining techniques is the sturdiest way to attach patches. The most common method is ironing and sewing, strengthening the adherence of both methods. Glue and sewing, peel-and-stick and sewing and glue and velcro are also noteworthy methods. We at E-Patches & Crests always recommend that you combine your attachment method with sewing, as it secures them permanently. If you have patches on something you use or wear frequently, make sure to check the stitches and maybe add a few extra every once and a while as they do tend to fray with time. However, do not glue and iron on your patches, as the heat can cause the glue to become unstable and crystalize.

With so many ways to attach patches, make sure to find the one right for you! We always have a wide variety of new patches in our shop, so you're sure to find a crest that sparks joy.

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