Wind Energy 7-8 yrs

Updated Apr 13, 2023

Goal:  To introduce the concept of wind as not only a force of nature, but also a source of energy.

Materials Required:


  • Construction paper or cardstock (1 per child)
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • One-hole punch
  • Crayons
  • Thumbtack or push pin (1 per child)
  • New (unsharpened) pencil with eraser (1 per child)


  • Large brown paper grocery bag (1 per child)
  • One- hole punch
  • Masking tape
  • Sturdy string (90 inches per child)
  • Scissors
  • Paint, crayons, markers, and/ or pencil crayons
  • Paper streamers or crepe or tissue paper cut into strips (4-6 per child)
  • Wet glue


  • A large round parachute, preferably with handles OR one or two Queen or King size bed sheets


  • Time: Twenty five minutes.
  • Craft - Pinwheel: Cut out a six inch paper square for each child. Draw an “X” from corner to corner and then cut along the lines, stopping one inch from the center.
  • Craft - Kite: Using a single hole punch, make four holes along the top corners of each paper bag. Tape over top of each hole with a piece of masking tape and then poke through it again with a pencil. Cut three 30 inch pieces of string for each child. Tie one end of the first string through a hole and then tie the other end of the same string to the hole directly across from it, on the same side of the bag. This will create a loop. Repeat with a second string in the remaining two holes.


Enjoy your unit’s usual Opening and explain some basic facts about wind and how it can be used by humans to make our lives easier and more enjoyable.

Answers: Wind is moving air. People have been putting wind to work for thousands of years. Sailboats are the original example of vehicles powered by wind and windmills are the oldest machinery. Most recently, wind turbines (modern windmills) have been invented to use wind to create electricity to power our world. Electricity is what makes lights and TVs turn on when we flick the switch or click the remote. Wind turbines are most effective at producing energy when they are grouped together. Groups of them are called wind farms and they do the same job as power plants. Additionally, there are many fun recreational activities involving wind power such as kite flying, wind surfing, parasailing, hot air ballooning, and parachuting etc. 


Make a Pinwheel

Pinwheels are fun toys and decorations. They operate using the same principles as wind turbines: the energy of the wind’s movement turns the spokes in a circular motion. At home, place the pinwheel in an outdoor flower pot on a sunny day to watch it spin in the breeze.

  1. Start by letting the children colour patterns or designs on their prepared papers. They can either color both sides, or leave one side of the paper plain.
  2. Help them to gently curl each corner into the middle so that the holes in each corner line up with the hole in the centre.
  3. Push the thumbtack through the holes in the paper, and into the side of the pencil eraser.
  4. Instruct the kids to hold their pinwheels by the pencil and take a deep breath in. Pretending they are the wind, have them blow out into the centre. The pinwheels will spin like windmills!

Make A Kite

Air is invisible. We can only see how it moves other objects. For example, when you look out the window you can tell that it is a windy day when you see the leaves on a tree blowing. Windy days are perfect for flying kites!

  1. Start by having the group decorate their paper bag kites using paint, markers or crayons etc.
  2. Explain to the children that the paper streamers will become the kite’s tails. Have them glue the streamers to the bottom of the paper bag.
  3. Lastly, help the kids to tie the third string on to the kite. It will be the kite’s handle. Thread the piece of string through the two string loops and tie in a tight knot.
  4. The kite is ready for action as soon as the glue and paint have dried. If the weather is appropriate, take the group outside to test them out; if not, an open indoor space can work instead. Instruct the children to hold on firmly to the string handle and run into the direction of the wind so that it lifts the kite. When the bag fills with air it will float up into the sky.


For the most part, the production of electricity involves burning coal, oil or natural gas, which is bad for the Earth. Wind turbines are now helping to create electricity in a cleaner way. Ask the group to think about everything they use in a day that runs on electricity. (The easiest way might be to imagine one room of a house at a time.) Can any of the children remember a time that the power went out in a storm? What changed?

Answers: Light bulbs, clock radios, electric heat, air conditioning, refrigerators, freezers, ovens, microwaves, toasters, blenders, televisions, computers, hair dryers, etc. all rely on electricity.
The first thing you immediately notice when the power goes out is that all the lights turn off. Your family may have to use flashlights or candles to see. It is also harder to cook food and to keep it properly chilled; don’t open the fridge for long! Without TV, movies, video games or computers you may have to play a board game or read a book for fun instead.



Explain to the children how wind can be unpredictable; it can change in strength and direction very suddenly. The good news is that we will never run out of wind and it doesn’t cause pollution or health damage. In this game the participants will act out the different types of wind. It should be played in an open space, such as en empty room, gymnasium or field. 

Each child holds on to the parachute and waits for the leader’s instructions. If using a sheet instead it may be better to break into two smaller groups. The leader calls out directions to the kids at random such as “light, ocean breeze” (make slow ripples in the parachute), “blustery day” (wave the parachute steadily), “gale-force winds” (shake energetically), “hurricane” (hold and shake with one hand and run in a counter clockwise circle) and “cyclone” (hold and shake with one hand and run in a clockwise circle).


Read a windy day story such as Curious George Flies a Kite by Hans Augusto Rey and Margret Rey, Millicent and the Wind by Robert N. Munsch and Suzanne Duranceau, or Whoosh Went the Wind! by Sally Derby.


Enjoy your regular Closing and commend the group for learning about how wind can be both fun and useful.

Works Cited

Caduto, Michael J. Catch the Wind, Harness the Sun. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing, 

Fitzgerald, Stephanie. Wind Power. New York, NY: Chelsea Clubhouse, 2010.

Woelfle, Gretchen. The Wind At Work: An Activity guide to Windmills. Chicago, IL: Chicago
            Review Press, 1997.

Vanessa Day

This Meeting Plan was researched and written by our intern Vanessa Day.

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