Updated Jan 22, 2025
Check out the Learning Materials portion of this Challenge Kit.
(Reference: wikihow.com/Make-a-Kite)
(Makes 5 servings)
(makes one 9-inch pie)
Take your group to a local orchard and make them pick their own fruits (rhubarb, apple, pear...), or get some fruits from the farmer’s market.
(makes 2 servings)
(makes 5 cups of strawberry jam)
Take the group to a local pick-your-own-fruit farm and have them pick up their own fruits (Saskatoon berries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries - the last two have spikes, so just be careful). You can also make this recipe with rhubarb.
(makes 8 scones)
(makes one serving)
(makes 8 scones)
Before the great expansion of fossil fuel use (with coal in the late 1800’s), wood was the primary fuel used in Canada. In Florida, wastes from sugar cane farms manage to provide electricity for an entire neighbourhood (60,000 homes). In Wisconsin, a company uses manure from three farms to generate electricity for up to 2,500 homes. The natural degradation of manure produces methane gas that can be burnt to generate electricity.
Draw circles around the objects that require electricity to work.
Draw a happy face in front of the statements that are pro-renewable energies or a sad face next to those that are against renewable energies.
Visit a wind farm or a hydroelectric plant if you have the opportunity.
Compare the Fossil Energies and Renewable Energies colouring boards and draw a coloured mark (such as an X or a circle) on each of the 10 dissimilarities between the two drawings.
Colour every renewable energy and the method used to harness it on the Renewable Energies colouring board, and every non-renewable energy and the method used to harness it on the Fossil Energies colouring board.
Show them what motion energy is: your legs are making your bike move, and the wheel spinning is making energy that is used to power the dynamo light. Solar or hand-powered flashlights work with electricity made out of solar energy conversion or manual motion.
Makes 1 LED and 3 Lemons.
What happens during the night? What happens on a day without wind?
Renewable energies like Wind and Sun are not always available, but when they are, we can collect enough energy to use when the wind stops blowing or on rainy days. It is possible to stock that energy in batteries to use it later.