Updated Aug 31, 2023
What can you do when you're stuck at home? Here are some activities that focus on caring for others and doing random acts of kindness.
1. Talk with your family about how we can be kind to each other while we spend time inside. What would it look like? What can we do?
2. Sometimes, the best kind of kindness is random and unexpected! Do one random act of kindness for someone in your home. Here are some ideas for what you can do:
a. Draw a picture or make one for a family member.
b. Do the dishes.
c. Clean up after a pet.
d. Call or facetime a family member who is far away.
3. Let share kindness far! Have you heard about the kids around the world who are sharing kindness with their neighbourhoods? Learn more about what others are doing in Canada and around the world here:
4. Your final task: to create your own rainbow of kindness and place it in your window or door for your neighbours to see.